“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”
— Marianne Williamson
Hi, I’m Dawn. I’m a spiritual law of attraction and transformation coach with 21 years’ experience and I assist aware individuals in manifesting their best lives.
I’m so very passionate about spiritual awareness and helping others be deliberate creators.

This was a very happy day for me in 2003 when I enjoyed lunch with Esther Hicks.

I focus on getting reaI results for my clients. I provide wisdom and deep healing through heart centered personal coaching using the principles of law of attraction as well as other universal principles. I really want to help people through whatever challenge they may be facing in their personal or professional life. And, I want to help them to transform their lives into one filled with love, joy and peace.
I have a deep understanding of how we get stuck in negative patterns and settle for unfulfilled lives of mediocrity because we’re disconnected from Source.
I learned about the law of attraction in 1978 and then more deeply learned about it in 1986 within my Unity Church. The law of attraction is one of the 5 basic teachings of Unity. Within my Unity church I served as a chaplain, trustee and treasurer for many many years.
In 1999 I founded Unity Singles and Law of Attraction Singles and sold them in 2013.
My deep love and interest in Abraham-Hicks started in 2002 and has only grown over the last years.
I have written numerous books on the law of attraction including “Attraction in Action” and “Radical Responsibility”. I have hosted over 110 radio shows on the law of attraction.
I have the insights and proven skills to know exactly how to help you move past your fears, doubts, identity, limiting beliefs, and procrastination that may be preventing you from reaching your highest potential.
I have helped thousands of people in the last 21 years. Even when my clients had previously tried books, meditations, seminars, workshops and self-help techniques to no avail.
I help my precious clients transform their lives and truly become deliberate creators.
I’m based in the US, but I work with clients all over the world.
Coaching with me is where the law of attraction moves from the realm of the theoretical to true transformation.

Here’s my story…
I have been in love with anything related to wisdom and growth as far back as I can remember. I started my interest in philosophy, metaphysics and world religions at 13 and it has grown into interests in quantum physics, law of attraction and absolute bliss consciousness.
I doubt that it’s a coincidence that I’m now using Carl Jung’s shadow research in my coaching because at 15 I wrote a paper on Carl Jung’s Universal Mind principles – it’s one of the few papers I’ve kept from High School.
I remember in the 70’s reading PsychoCybernetics by Maxwell Maltz which was my first taste of the law of attraction and I remember being so impressed with the book as a teenager that I went camping for a weekend to be undisturbed to read it to completion.
In 1986 I learned about the law of attraction in more depth in my Unity Church. That same year I also learned Transcendental Meditation.
My interest grew over the next few years and I read more and more, even though there were far less books on the subject of the law of attraction back then.
In the early 90’s I became a really dedicated student trying to actually implement the law of attraction into my life. I remember I met Shakti Gawain and Wayne Dyer and several other pioneers of the time.
I dove deeper and was reading everything I could including Napoleon Hill, Lynn Grabhorn and Wallace Wattles. I started doing vision boards, which we called treasure maps back then, journaling and working with affirmations and visualizations.
And then I learned about Abraham and Esther Hicks. I remember there were so many pieces of the puzzle that I figured out at that time.
I was thrilled to share lunch with Esther in 2003 and I saturated myself in everything they taught over the years.
In 2001 I started coaching clients who came to me and they were thrilled with their results. Over the years I have continued to tweak my step by step protocols that are helping my clients manifest their hearts out.
I am mom to two amazing children, Marissa and Shane.
We have had wonderful travels over the years including a 4 month RV trip across 9000 miles of the US visiting as many state and national parks as possible and meeting friends all along the way. We also enjoyed a 4 month RV trip across 5 countries in Europe.
What I’ve learned over the years is that everyone has a story and many of us have some harsh stories, including me. Surviving my abuse wasn’t enough for me – I wanted to thrive and I’m so thrilled that I have and that I’m able to help my clients thrive as well.
I am in love with life, my family, the ocean, travel, dancing, painting, reading, the law of attraction, my friends and helping my precious clients.

Dawn Michaels is a Global transformational teacher, coach, speaker, author, mother, radio show host, beach lover, travel enthusiast, and a spiritual teacher passionate about helping others reach their full potential.
She is a long-time student of philosophy and spirituality and started studying the law of attraction over 42 years ago and then deeper within her Unity church 30 years ago where she served in many capacities including Chaplain, Treasurer and Trustee.
She has had her own law of attraction based radio show consisting of over 110 shows and has authored a number of books on the law of attraction.
Prior to being a coach Dawn was an executive, working as a corporate tax accountant, a real estate investor, a mortgage broker, director of a mergers and acquisitions firm, chief operating officer of a large aviation company and owner of an alternative health clinic. In 1999 she started Law of Attraction Singles and Unity Singles.
She has been coaching clients from Spain, Ireland, New Zealand, England, France, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Ukraine, Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, Italy and all over the U.S. on how to transform their life since 2002. She has coached CEO’s, athletes, artists, musicians, doctors, coaches, investors, housewifes, truckers and people from every walk of life.