Imagine waking up in the morning feeling totally calm…
Clear. Confident. Happy. In Love. Abundant.
Excited for your day…
Because you are manifesting your goals.
The days of frustration with the law of attraction and wanting to manifest more are gone.
Your life has totally changed and your mind is clear of negative chatter.
You live from a space of TOTAL flow — All. The. Time.
And it feels sooo good.
So many people think the law of attraction doesn’t work for them;
it can be disempowering to understand the concepts intellectually,
but not be able to apply the principles to create the life you truly desire.
It’s time to move from the realm of theoretical to true transformation and become the deliberate creator you were meant to be!
Total Transformation Program
The Total Transformation Program is where you can learn the quickest and most effective ways to really apply the Law of Attraction and achieve life-changing results
Each of us is body, mind and Spirit and most of us think that working with the law of attraction is with the mind, but you will be amazed at what happens when you start working with the law of attraction from your Higher Self.
Your real power is in understanding that this is a vibrational Universe and working with the law of attraction is a vibrational process, not a mind process.
We can’t think our way into love, or joy, or our vortex. We are not our minds, we are so much more.
Have you been listening to Abraham, meditating, journaling and taking classes so that you can finally manifest those big desires? You may have attracted some of the things that you want in life, and you may have a lot to be grateful for – but perhaps you still haven’t fully realized:
- Your Financial Prosperity
- Your Divine Relationship and Love
- Deep Joy and Happiness
- Vibrant Health and Energy
- Peace of Mind
- Self-Esteem and Self-Worth
- Time and Freedom
The Total Transformation Program is Powerful…
- This is WAY beyond the beginner level of affirmations, visions boards and positive thinking
- Discover the crucial missing pieces that even the spiritually enlightened usually don’t know
- Transcend to a much deeper level with the law of attraction where you become a deliberate creator
- Join an amazing group of Men and Women on the same journey in an exclusive Facebook group. This is a great way to gain new friends and really motivate and inspire each other on to transformation.
I invite you to join me for 8 weeks to focus on FINALLY applying the law of attraction.
This program is for anyone who’s looking to move from information to more transformation
Like many students of the Law of Attraction, you probably know all the theory behind manifestation, but are still struggling to become the deliberate creator of your reality. You are not alone. Many seekers on this path have been exactly where you are – unable to successfully apply their knowledge into real-life living and experience true transformation on all levels of their being.
Much of the material on the Law of Attraction seems to teach us to manifest from our mind, however, working from our mind and body perspective is the long and arduous journey. Those that successfully work with the Law of Attraction connect on a heart and soul level with their Higher Self and Source and manifest from that place of power.
It’s about a deep emotional intimacy with your Higher Self and Source. This is what it means to manifest from within the Vortex.
The Law of Attraction will work for you – even if you have previously tried all the books, meditations, and self-help techniques to no avail, you just have to learn how to work with it from your Higher Self and not your mind.
If you’re ready to take the fast path to living the life you were meant to live then join us and step into your Total Transformation!
I invite you to join me for 8 weeks to focus on the deeper missing pieces to applying the law of attraction.
You can start right now!
As soon as you enroll you will receive your Welcome Packet and your first two Modules of the class from the Spiritual Law of Attraction Academy.
There are 12 Different Modules over the 8 weeks of the Total Transformation Program.
Each module includes video lessons and powerful processes.
These are the powerful modules:
Module 1: Your Commitment to Your Total Transformation
Module 2: Spiritual Law of Attraction
Module 3: The Gifts and Boundaries of Body, Mind and Spirit
Module 4: The Wisdom of the Emotional Guidance Scale
Module 5: The Power of Pivoting
Module 6: Easy and Practical Ways of Connecting with Source
Module 7: Healing and Releasing the Three Sources of Resistance to Allowing
Module 8: Deep Emotional Intimacy with Your Higher Self and Source
Module 9: Healing Subconscious Resistance
Module 10: Radical Spiritual Responsibility
Module 11: Enhanced Self Worth and New Decisions
Module 12: Bliss Consciousness
This program is for anyone who’s looking to move from information to more transformation
Like many students of the Law of Attraction, you probably know all the theory behind manifestation, but are still struggling to become the deliberate creator of your reality. You are not alone. Many seekers on this path have been exactly where you are – unable to successfully apply their knowledge into real-life living and experience true transformation on all levels of their being.
Much of the material on the Law of Attraction seems to teach us to manifest from our mind, however, working from our mind and body perspective is the long and arduous journey. Those that successfully work with the Law of Attraction connect on a heart and soul level with their Higher Self and Source and manifest from that place of power.
It’s about a deep emotional intimacy with your Higher Self and Source. This is what it means to manifest from within the Vortex.
The Law of Attraction will work for you – even if you have previously tried all the books, meditations, and self-help techniques to no avail, you just have to learn how to work with it from your Higher Self and not your mind.
If you’re ready to take the fast path to living the life you were meant to live then join us and step into your Total Transformation!
And this is exactly why I created the Total Transformation Program so that others can learn and benefit from the protocol that I developed to help myself and my clients over the past 16 years.
For sixteen years I have constantly improved this protocol that has been successful applied to thousands of people. Students and clients who were frustrated that the law of attraction didn’t seem to be working for them.
I’m so thrilled that I am thriving and that I’m able to help others thrive as well.
Master the Law of Attraction!
Let me take you by the hand and guide you to your personal vortex.
What’s in your vortex? Mine was an amazing love in my life, financial security, great health and to truly be happy.
When it comes to working with the law of attraction most people think it’s about thinking the right thoughts and vision boards and affirmations.
But this is missing an important fact about the law of attraction: Your ability to manifest your dreams is directly related to how much of your life is “Spirit-led” vs “mind-led”. You can’t think your way into your vortex. Each of us is body, mind and Spirit and your power in manifesting is connecting with your Higher Self and Source.
Module 1: Your Commitment to Your Total Transformation
Module 1 will introduce the basic tools we will be using throughout the course and will help to define your goals and commitment to the program. In order to measure your success throughout the program, I will teach you how to take inventory through the Transformational Progress Chart to determine where you now are in 12 areas of your life. The processes will help gauge your progress as you learn to deliberately move up the emotional guidance scale to Love, Joy, Power, Abundance and Freedom. The tools I will share with you are designed to help you achieve clarity through a simple and easy system.
The basis of this module will emphasise the concept that improving your life isn’t about fixing you, but only about releasing your resistance and connecting you in a deeper way with your Higher Self and Source.
Module 2: Spiritual Law of Attraction
There are several foundational points that we go over in this module. One of them is understanding where your true power lies and establishing a framework for tapping in to this source. We will establish the ground work for the Law of Attraction as a way of life and introduce the most effective ways to utilise the principles of this law.
Module 3: The Gifts and Boundaries of Body, Mind and Spirit
This module is about a deeper understanding of the Body, Mind, Spirit Trinity and the role each part plays in the journey towards becoming a conscious, deliberate creator. You are taught to think your way through life from childhood because our society is predominantly ‘mind-led’, but your ability to manifest depends on you shifting from ‘mind-led’ to ‘Spirit-led’ where you will begin to feel your way through life – instead of thinking your way.
In this section, I will discuss how the Law of Attraction works with the conscious and subconscious mind and guide you through the practice of developing a ‘witness’ state of being. Once you are able to consciously do this, you can then discern when you are leading with your mind and when you are listening to your Higher Self. This level of awareness is one of the key principles to consciously creating.
Module 4: The Power and Wisdom of the Emotional Guidance Scale
In this module you will intimately learn how to use the Emotional Guidance Scale in every aspect of your life. I will demonstrate how to accurately identify your vibrational set points and how to locate any areas of resistance. Once you have identified these blocks, you will be able to explore where you may be unintentionally disconnecting from your true power and using force to try and create. Trying too hard is one of the main reasons people fail to be effective in their application of these principles.
This is a vibrational Universe and how high you are vibrating sets the tone for how easily and effortlessly you can create your abundance of love, money, joy or health. I will guide you through various techniques designed to help you understand and recalibrate your vibrational signal.
Module 5: The Power of Pivoting
“Pivoting is a powerful tool that will instantly improve your life” (Abraham Hicks)
Understanding how to use this tool and learning to practically apply its principles in your everyday experience will be the main focus of this module. As you have learnt to develop the ‘witness’ you will now be able to easily connect with your Higher Self and deliberately guide your thought process in a way to enhance your alignment and build momentum in the direction of your desires.
I will also teach you another powerful technique called the ’15-second meditation’, as well as other top tips to help you connect back with your Higher Self on a moment-to-moment basis. As you practice the tools learnt from this module, eventually you’ll find that you are connected to your Higher Self the majority of your day and being in your vortex will become your new normal.W
Module 6: Easy and practical ways of connecting with Source
We all know the value of taking time to calm our mind and connect with Source, but many of us resist a regular routine of doing so. The purpose of this module is to help you reach for inspiration instead of discipline to create a daily practice of connecting with your Higher Self. I will show you fun, easy and effective techniques to help you raise your vibrational frequency and get into alignment. Once you develop these simple daily habits you will start to see major shifts happening effortlessly in your life.
Module 7: Healing and Releasing the Three Sources of Resistance to Allowing
While resistance can play out in many different ways emotionally, I have found that generally, most inner conflict stems from three main sources. Throughout this module we will consider the forms that resistance can show up in your life and review the subtle ways they keep you disconnected, holding you towards the lower end of the Emotional Guidance Scale.
I will teach you to how to recognise and deal with covertly harmful situations/people and aid your understanding whether current or past suppression may be affecting you subconsciously. This awareness will help you acknowledge where the blocks are set-up on your path and disempowering your creative efforts. This section will also introduce the importance of developing authenticity, autonomy and self-trust and lay the foundation for healing your subconscious resistance in module 9.
When we learn to release the resistance from our subconscious mind, we easily, effortlessly and naturally float to the top of the Emotional Guidance Scale and are able to manifest from a place of power.
Module 8: Deep Emotional Intimacy with Your Higher Self and Source
The purpose of this module is to teach you how to build a loving and trusting relationship with your Higher Self. When your Higher Self is running your life that’s when you are happy, peaceful, and truly able to manifest your heart’s desire.
If you aren’t vibrating at 1 or 2 on this scale, you may be missing out on deep emotional intimacy with your Higher Self and Source. Some of us may not even know what that is – especially if we didn’t have deep emotional intimacy with our parents as children.
This module will teach you how to recognise the voice of your Higher Self and how to listen and act on inspired calls to action. I have many powerful tools to help you nurture this Divine relationship.
This is a huge part of becoming a deliberate creator and once you get into a rhythm with this, you will be manifesting easily and effortlessly.
Module 9: Healing Subconscious Resistance
As 85% of our mind is controlled within the subconscious, healing past pains and trauma can be done more effectively and completely from a spiritual perspective, instead of trying to use the mind to work things out.
Within the subconscious, we also have old beliefs and decisions we’ve inherited along the path of our life – some of which no longer serve us. This module will teach you how to find your subconscious shadows and release them. I will guide you through various tried and tested techniques on your journey back to wholeness, with an underlying emphasis on forgiveness and self-love.
You learn to shine the light of truth on these subconscious shadows and move them from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind in order to bridge the beliefs holding you back and allow yourself to move into your full power. Now that you are deeply connected with Source it will be easy to heal and release these hidden aspects permanently.
Module 10: Radical Spiritual Responsibility
What if from a spiritual perspective life as we know it is actually just a ride? What if pain in any form only exists in the mind?
This module will take your understanding of the Law of Attraction to a very deep level. The whole premise of this universal principle is not just rooted in the manifestation of things– but how you are responsible for every experience you encounter; the good, the bad and the ugly. This is where you take a truthful look at your ‘no pain, no gain’ paradigm and truly understand the workings of this law.
You will learn that the Law of Attraction – simply put, is a law of mirroring. This means that whatever vibrations are contained within your being, are being matched exactly by like vibrations in your external reality.
The concept of radical spiritual responsibility lies in the ability to own your past, present and future, as experiences that you called forth to yourself – to truly know yourself as creator. It takes you beyond mere happenstance, blame and victimhood and establishes you as the script writer, casting director and producer of all aspects your life.
Module 11: Enhanced Self Worth and New Decisions
Module 11 will guide you through the exploration of your self-worth and the gifts you bring to this world from a higher viewpoint, including your Divine feminine and masculine gifts.
You will learn what it’s like to really follow your intuition, how to claim your joy daily and how to create new self-talk to keep your focus in line with your Inner Being’s perspective. This module will also teach you processes’ to make purposeful and powerful decisions about your life, and equip you with the tools to create with Divine intention and step into a whole new, wonderful world.
Module 12: Bliss Consciousness
Can you imagine walking each day in bliss consciousness? Let’s set this up as your new normal for the rest of your life, the life of being the Observer connected to Source with a calm mind.
We will also review all the tools in the course and I will offer you techniques to construct a new life mantra which will set the vibrational tone for the rest of your life.
About Dawn…

Dawn Michaels has been a global law of attraction transformational coach for 16 years. She is also a speaker, author, radio show host, beach lover, travel enthusiast, mother, wife and spiritual teacher, passionate about helping others reach their full potential.
As a long-time student of philosophy and spirituality, Dawn started studying the Law of Attraction over 30 years ago within her Unity church where she served in many capacities including chaplain, treasurer and trustee. Prior to being a coach Dawn was an executive, working as a corporate tax accountant, a real estate investor, a mortgage broker, director of a mergers and acquisitions firm, CEO of a large aviation company and owner of an alternative health clinic.
She has hosted her own Law of Attraction based radio show consisting of over 120 shows and authored a number of books on the Law of Attraction, including “Attraction in Action” and “Radical Responsibility”.
Since 2002 Dawn has been successfully coaching clients from all walks of life, all over the world – using the principles of the Law of Attraction as well as other universal truths. Over the years Dawn’s ever-growing understanding of the challenges people face on their path of personal and spiritual development has inspired her to create one of her most comprehensive, short-cut systems to help clients move from their heads to their hearts, and in turn achieve remarkable results in their lives.
Like many of her clients she had an abusive and dysfunctional family. Her father was abusive in every possible way, physically, emotionally, sexually and psychologically starting at age 9. Her mother abandoned her in an orphanage at 13. Her teens and twenties had plenty more dark stories.
It took over 20 years to heal her pain and betrayal and now she shares the shortcuts so that others can heal and thrive in their own lives.
My healing of the past and my ability to attract true love, peace, joy and abundance is exactly why I created the Total Transformation Program so that others can learn and benefit from the protocol that I developed to help myself and my clients over the past 16 years.
For sixteen years I have constantly improved this protocol that has been successful applied to thousands of people. Students and clients who were frustrated that the law of attraction didn’t seem to be working for them.
I’m so thrilled that I am thriving and that I’m able to help others thrive as well.
Master the Law of Attraction!
Let me take you by the hand and guide you to your personal vortex.
What’s in your vortex? Mine was an amazing love in my life, financial security, great health and to truly be happy.
When it comes to working with the law of attraction most people think it’s about thinking the right thoughts and vision boards and affirmations.
But this is missing an important fact about the law of attraction: Your ability to manifest your dreams is directly related to how much of your life is “Spirit-led” vs “mind-led”. You can’t think your way into your vortex. Each of us is body, mind and Spirit and your power in manifesting is connecting with your Higher Self and Source.
Results From Those Who’ve Participated in Dawn’s Program Have Been Powerful…

Kim Ellen Bartlett
I have been a follower of Abraham for quite a few years. I saw that Dawn uses the teachings of Abraham in her program and other spiritual components and I felt like that was what I needed to start things moving for me.
There were several areas of my life that I wanted to improve upon, and my Law of Attraction practices weren’t working too well for me….or not fast enough anyway!!
My first and foremost issue at hand was money. After starting working with Dawn’s program I landed a fabulous job that pays me in 1 day what I was making in a week at the previous job.
Aside from the job, my greatest improvement from working with Dawn is learning to become more aware of not letting my mind be the boss, but rather my inner self.
If anyone asked me about working with Dawn’s program, I would support them 100% and encourage them to start right away. It does not take very long to see and feel results from working with her.
Dawn Michaels is loaded with integrity, truly loves what she does, and does it very, very well.
Thank you,
Dawn’s program is priceless.
My entire perspective of life has changed. I began with feeling a lightness in my step followed by an awareness and happiness I had only dreamt of. It feels so good to know that I am a consistently loving and connected.
My present perspective is so different from that of my past. I now love my life! Dawn’s program has given me tools and guidance that will last me a lifetime and be joyously passed down to my children.
– Beth Warner –
Tucson, Arizona
I am much happier and emotionally, mentally and spiritually stronger.
I tried hypnosis, life coaching, read lots of spiritual books but I still was not getting the results I wanted. I had been studying the law of attraction for 10 years but nothing seemed to work. When I started with Dawn’s program, I saw immediate results.
I attracted a new job and a man into my life. Now, I am much happier and emotionally, mentally and spiritually stronger. As a bonus my finances grew about 30 percent.
– Sharon Pasqual –
Long Beach, California

Colin Tippin United Kingdom
Dawn is professional, intelligent, perceptive and attentive.
The results that I have obtained are more focus, I’ve cleaned up thoughts and attitudes in a big way.
I don’t take my own excuses anymore.
I also took my power back and can make things happen now.
I have more happiness, power and peace.
I can honestly say that my life has turned around. Until I started working with Dawn’s program, I didn’t know that this physical, mental and Spiritual place within me existed. Thank you for guiding me to the best possible me I could be.
I want you to join us for the Total Transformation Program. I want you to make your life happier and more abundant in all areas. The program comes with a 100% RISK FREE Guarantee!

Sandy Benedetti
Taking the leap to work with Dawn’s program has been beyond-my-wildest-dreams-rewarding!
I was feeling locked into relationships that were stagnant and laden with negativity, and I knew I needed help. I had already experienced traditional therapy, and I couldn’t see myself going back to analyzing my past. What draws me to Dawn’s program is she “walks the walk” and also has the skills to teach others –
she has an amazing ability to connect with my spirit, not just my mind.
She has shown me how to raise my vibration, create a spirit-led life, and to understand what it is to be authentic. Through my experience with her protocol, all of my relationships (yes all) have improved drastically! And, although it wasn’t my point of focus, money is flowing in abundantly!
If you are searching for unconditional loving guidance and the tools needed for transformation, I highly recommend Dawn’s program.
My personal guarantee…
You are only one decision away from a totally different life
Give yourself the gift of 8 weeks to shift your life.
The next 8 weeks could be huge for you. And if you’re not happy you have my money back guarantee.
Click the register button and claim your seat.
Dawn Michaels
Dawn Michaels
Author, Speaker, Radio Host and Law of Attraction
Transformation Coach
P.S. You found your way here for a reason.
If you’re still wondering if the Total Transformation is right for you make a free consultation here: